Sunday, September 11, 2011


Ten years ago, I was a newlywed and I had just moved back to upstate New York from Georgia. I had sent my girls off to school and I was picking out my outfit for a job interview that I had later in the day.  I remember that I was drinking my coffee and watching the Today Show with Katie Couric and Matt Lauer when I saw the first plane hit the World Trade Center.  Then just a few moments later, I watched the second plane hit.  I remember watching the news for the rest of the day -- my interview postponed until the next week.

What happened on September 11, 2001 changed our lives forever. Security where my husband works was upgraded and has been super vigilant ever since. My youngest daughter never remembers taking a flight without being thoroughly screened at the airport.  We have learned to get to the airport at least an hour and a half before we have to be at the gate just in case screening gets backed up.  I hear people complain about how long it takes to get through airport security, but I have learned that I'd rather be safe so I don't mind the better screening.

I am much more patriotic now.  I am so proud of those who serve in our Armed Services.  I am much more sentimental when I see soldiers at the airport or when I hear "I'm Proud to be an American" -- I get all choked up for both.  I make sure I have an American Flag decorating my house in some way -- on the mailbox or in a window.  I also have so much more respect for the brave firemen and policemen who keep us safe since the tragedy on 9/11.   I am so very thankful that they were there to help so many and sad that so many of them were also victims that day.

I am proud that we as Americans came together as a nation ten years ago, and I am proud we remembered everyone today together.  God Bless America -- home of the Free and the Brave.

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