Saturday, November 14, 2009

Copic Junkies

About 6 months ago, I signed up to be part of a Copic club to get started purchasing Copic markers. Well, I am now the proud owner of at least 85 of them. I started using Copics and I found that I really love them.

Now I am lucky enough to be part of the Copic Junkies Design Team. Each week there will be a challenge of some sort to use Copic markers. Since I started buying Copics, I have participated in as many of them as I can and I really love challenging myself and learning more about using them.

So if you love Copics or want to learn more about how to use them, or even if you just like challenges, please stay tuned! The Copic Junkies blog will soon be up and running.

1 comment:

  1. Well hello, I am going to follow you as well and I'm trying to figure out how to list the groups blogs from my sidebar! Connie


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